Conventional and combined transport.
Today, transport logistics involves much more than just conventional transport, it combines various different carriers and modes of transport. As a logistics company, we offer our customers the enormous diversity of advanced logistics and handle a considerable proportion of the transport volumes by ship and by rail. At the ‘Logport’ in Duisburg, Western Europe’s trimodal logistics hub, we exploit all the advantages of the extensive Duisport network. In addition to the port in Duisburg, our site in Hamburg offers all options available for transport by sea and overland. Multimodal transport with direct links to the international ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam und Amsterdam provides ideal connections for overseas shipping.
We transport loose, packaged and liquid products from the food, non-food and hazardous materials sectors.
As quality and safety are always our utmost priorities, our vehicles are all replaced after 36 months – this guarantees that the technologies we offer you are always state-of-the art. The internal cleaning of our vehicles is also an essential component of transport organisation. We focus strongly on full compliance with quality and safety standards such as HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) and SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment System).
- SAP-based transportation management, fully-integrated enterprise resource planning with Best-4-Log-X for SAP, with:
- Powerful Tracking IT
- Telematics connectivity
- Integration of driver and fleet management
- Integration of truck servicing management
- Standardised and customer-specific EDI formats